Wednesday, April 9, 2008

I did not have time over the weekend to finish some of the paintings I have been working on, or take pictures of a couple of the ones that I did get finished. This was First Monday Trade Days weekend for April here in Canton and I had all of the rooms at The Sassyfras Inn (my Bed and Bath business) full from Thursday through Sunday, with a change out in three of the rooms for Saturday night. But please be sure to scroll down to the painting I posted just before I wrote this entry. This was also the weekend that Buffalo Girls Hotel sponsered the CASI Chili Cookoff that benefitted Citizens League for Animal Welfare. A good time was had by all, and the auction and chili cookoff went well. I don't know the totals as of yet, but was told that they raised more money for C.L.A.W. this year than last year, so that is great. There will be more funds to take care of the rescued dogs and cats while they are finding good forever homes for them. The painting of Hank that I donated to the auction was bought by one of the C.L.A.W. members which makes me happy. I plan to do more portraits of these rescue dogs and cats and donate a percentage of the proceeds to C.L.A.W. so be sure and watch for these paintings in the next few weeks to come. And I promise to be better about listing more of my small dailey paintings on a regullar basis, if not every day then at least three or four times a week. I still work in Dallas a few days a week, but I shouldn't let that keep me from listing these paintings. I also promised to get to that painting of Samson, but still have not been able to bring myself to start the painting, as his death still hurts me so. Perhaps painting all of the other rescue dogs will be the therapy I need to get me to the point that I can finally paint a portrait of this magnificent animal that I got to share thirteen years with. And here I am crying again so I'll publish this post now and go. To leave this on a lighter note I must tell you about the saying I saw on the side of one of the trailers behind a pickup at the 1st Monday flea market this weekend. It said on the back of the trailer "Like A Band od Gypsys We Go Down The Highway!" and on the side it said "Women On A Mission!" These ladies are some serious shoppers! I'll bet that they filled up that trailer with all kinds of things that they bought at this flea market and had a ball doing it!

Spring Vinyette

Here is another lesson I taught my Monday night class on painting vinyettes. Of all the things I thought they might have trouble with, like the flowers around the outside of the oval or the ruts in the road, the thing they had the most trouble trying to paint was the puddle in the middle of the road! It was, however, a fun class with alot of laughter! this painting is a 16" x 20" oil on canvas for $125.00. If you would like to purchase this one please email me at with "painting" in the subject line of your email.