Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Cowgirls progression

Here are the results of last night's class. We are just a little futher along in the underpainting. Mine is listed first, then Debbie's, and then Sharon's.


We started this painting a couple of weeks ago in the Monday night painting class, but I didn't get pictures the first night. This is where we were in the second class and I only have the pictures of mine and Debbie's at this stage. Sharon was in Japan last week and missed this class, but I got her caught up in last nights class which I will post the results of next.
We found a picture in a magazine of this cowgirl done by Doreman Burns. My two students, being born and raised in Texas, just love anything along the Western lines. So naturally, being girls and all, they wanted to learn to paint this cowgirl. Doreman Burns does his paintings in watercolor and we work primarily in oil, so it will be interesting to see how our interpretations turn out. We are just at the underpainting stage right now. Mine is the first picture and Debbie's the second picture.

Gunfighter progress

Sharon and I started the gray underpainting of the skin tones on Friday May 15th. I forgot my camera that day and didn't get pictures of it until last night. We still have a lot of work to do before we can get to the details. This is a rather large painting and will take some time to finish.
Mine is on the right and Sharon's is on the left.

Monday, May 11, 2009

Gunfighter - Work In Progress

This is the beginning phase of a new private painting lesson for Sharon. It is an ambitious undertaking, but I feel that she is ready to learn the steps it takes for portraiture. I will be taking her through the old masters' techniques of under painting the flesh areas in grey tones (known as grasaille) first, then add skin tones in transparent veils of color. When that is accomplished we will work on the background, clothing, etc. This is just the first posting and I am sure it will take quite a while to complete as we only have three hours once a week when our schedules permit. It will be interesting to see the final outcome of this one. Sharon's painting is on the left and mine is the one on the right.