Sharon and I finally got back to the wolf painting. We are still in the underpainting stage, but you can already see the wolf coming alive. I can hardly wait to get to the overpainting and the finishing touches. When we are done I will post the finished paintings along with the photo of the actual wolf we are doing a portrait of. Sharon's painting is the top one and mine is below her's.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Wolf painting in progress
Sharon and I finally got back to the wolf painting. We are still in the underpainting stage, but you can already see the wolf coming alive. I can hardly wait to get to the overpainting and the finishing touches. When we are done I will post the finished paintings along with the photo of the actual wolf we are doing a portrait of. Sharon's painting is the top one and mine is below her's.
Christmas Puppy
I don't know why it is that every holiday I have problems with my computer, and this Christmas has been no exception. However, I have finally gotten the problem straightened out and can start posting again -- Ye-a-a-a-h!!!
Here is one of the small paintings I taught the girls in my Monday night paint class. I meant to post this for Christmas, but as I stated above, my computer decided to take the holiday off!
I wish I had taken pictures of the progress of this one too, but just didn't have the forsight to do so at the time. Sharon had Christmas cards made of her's, and also of her painting of the bluebird in snow. They really did turn out great. I was very pleased with everyone's finished paintings. The original was a picture that Sharon found in a catalog and asked if they could learn to paint it. The background of the original was white. I decided it needed to be red for the holidays. We also added a few other features that were not in the original picture. This was quite a challenge for them, and Sharon and Debbie both did a wonderful job with this subject. Happy Holidays!!!!
Wednesday, December 17, 2008
Finished Santa paintings
Thursday, December 11, 2008
Second Step
Monday Night Painting Class for the Holidays
Wednesday, December 3, 2008
Monday, December 1, 2008
Alpha Wolf
Thursday, November 27, 2008
About the painting lesson
Monday, November 10, 2008
Sunday, November 9, 2008
Quahadi Stallion
Quahadi Stallion is a 16" X 20" oil on canvas panel. Available for purchase at $475.00. Contact me thru email at using "Painting" in the subject title of your email.
Friday, October 24, 2008
Fountain Cherub
Tuesday, July 8, 2008
Under painting of horse
Hereford Cow
This is a 16" x 20" oil on canvas panel. This is a different style of painting that I saw at a gallery recently and decided to try my hand at it. I might have gotten a little carried away with the background color, but I like more color. I feel it brightens it up. I used this as a lesson for two of my advanced students and I wish I had pictures of their paintings to post. I must get them to email a picture of their paintings so I can post them for everyone to see. My painting is for sale for $320.00 without the frame, or $375.00 with the frame. I am working on other paintings of cows and horses in this style and will be posting them soon.
Saturday, July 5, 2008
Russell's Painting
Sunday, May 18, 2008
Cabin Retreat
Cabin Retreat is my latest 11" x 14" oil on canvas. With the frame it sells for $225.00 and without the frame it sells for $175.00. The photos really don't do it justice. Some day I will invest in a better digital camera so that the wonderful color in a painting like this one will show up better. If you are interested in purchasing this painting email me at with "Painting" in the subjuect line.
Saturday, May 17, 2008
King's Landing
King's Landing is on an 11" x 14" canvas panel priced at $100. You can purchase this directly from me by emailing me at with "PAINTING" in the subject line.
Sunday, May 11, 2008
Barn in Spring
Saturday, May 10, 2008
Thursday, May 8, 2008
Blue Bonnet Creek
Saturday, May 3, 2008
Deep Red Rose
Has it really been a month since I posted a painting? I have been so busy that I haven't had much time to take any photos of my paintings, but here is another deep red rose painting I just finished like the ones I posted a few months ago. It is a 10" x 10" oil on canvas for sale for $100. To purchase email me at with "painting" in the subject line.
Wednesday, April 9, 2008
Spring Vinyette
Here is another lesson I taught my Monday night class on painting vinyettes. Of all the things I thought they might have trouble with, like the flowers around the outside of the oval or the ruts in the road, the thing they had the most trouble trying to paint was the puddle in the middle of the road! It was, however, a fun class with alot of laughter! this painting is a 16" x 20" oil on canvas for $125.00. If you would like to purchase this one please email me at with "painting" in the subject line of your email.
Sunday, March 30, 2008
Tuscan Sunset
Sunday, March 9, 2008
Rocky Mountain Vinyette
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Katherine with Sassyfras

Boy have I been busy! I have not had time to post anything for a few weeks. I am still teaching painting class on Monday nights, and I am working a few days a week in Dallas on a project for another sculptor to help him get caught up. Dallas is an hour drive from Canton where I live so that has kept me away from the computer and unable to post anything new on my blog. I decided to post another picture of one of the sculptures I did. This is a lifesize portrait sculpture of an eighteen year old young lady named Katherine. She is holding my little miniature American Eskimo dog Sassyfras. This is in terracotta and sells for $10,000.00. If you are interested in getting a sculpture done of your teenager, wife, husband, or even a smaller child, or if you would like to purchase this sculpture email me at with "sculpture info" in the subject line.
Sunday, February 17, 2008
Winter Cardinal
Saturday, February 16, 2008
Red Stockings
One of my favorite daily painters is Jacqui Faye Michel. A friend of mine saw several of Jacqui's paintings and asked me to do an interpretation of a couple of them to hang in one of her bed and bath rooms she calls " The Saloon" as she could not afford to buy the original from Jacqui (I think the original were already sold anyway). This painting is my interprtation. I just hope I did it justice. And, of course, because it is a reproduction of Jacqui's work (and also done specifically for a friend) it is not for sale. It is oil on gessoed watercolor paper.
Wednesday, February 13, 2008
Terry's Flowers
This was my painting that I did as a lesson along with a student that takes private lessons from me ( she calls these lessons "monkey see monkey do" because she sits right beside me and copies every motion I make with the brushes and paint). 16" x 20" gallery wrapped canvas. $325.00. The photo does not show the texture and vibrancy of color. This painting is much prettier than the camera can capture. To purchase email me at and be sure to put "painting" in the subject line.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Lone Hay Bale
Monday, February 11, 2008
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Large Red Rose
Sunday, February 3, 2008
Moonlit Falls
Here is the third waterfall study. I call this one moonlit falls. It was done on a white canvas instead of a black canvas that I used in the other two paintings. I also eliminated the vegetation. This painting oil on 11" x 14" canvas panel. The price is $75.00. To purchase email me at