This was a commission done very quickly for Christmas. It is oil on a 24" x 48" canvas.
Wednesday, December 23, 2009
Saturday, November 28, 2009
Hard Riding Santa
Here is the new Monday night class Christmas painting for 2009. The original drawing has another horse following with a sack full of toys. Everyone was wanting to get the painting finished in time to have Christmas cards made, so I cut the drawing down to just Santa on his horse. Debbie and Sharon put snow flakes on theirs. I decided not to add any snow to mine so that all the detail would show up, but the premise of the painting is that Santa is in a hurry to deliver the toys because it is starting to snow. I do plan to paint the entire scene on a larger canvas later on.
This painting is in oil on a 16" x 20" x 3/4" gallery wrapped canvas. The scene wraps around the sides so it can be hung without a frame if desired. Priced at $300. To purchase contact me personally at with "painting" listed in the subject line.
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Big Hat Cowgirls
I did not realize that I was this far behind in my postings. Life has been forever altered since Jack had his stroke the first part of June. He is doing alot better now and is going twice a week to physical therapy. He can walk on his own without a walker now, but is still somewhat wobbly. There are alot of things that he can do for himself which has been a relief to me, but his care still takes so much of my time.
I still teach my Monday night painting class as well as a few private lessons. Here is a couple of the paintings we just finished in class the last couple of weeks. They are our versions of Doreman Burns' cowgirls. I only have pictures of mine this time as Debbie and Sharon are still adding some bling to theirs. It doesn't show up well in the photos, but I added some sparkle to the earrings, conchos and belt buckle on the girl in chaps, and put crystals for buttons down the front of her shirt. The girl in red has crystals on her earrings and on her ring finger as well as some red glitter dust hearts on her boots and a glitter and crystal star on her hatband. These are really fun to do. They are 16" x 20" oil on stretched canvas. Contact me at for information.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Sandy's Stenograph at the Beach
My friend, Sandy Lease, asked me to do a painting of the steno machine she uses for a convention she was going to this weekend. It is being held in Jacksonville, Florida, so she wanted the machine painted on the beach. I thought it would be more appealing if it was under a brightly colored umbrella. Here is the result. Sandy was very happy with this painting and called me from Florida to tell me that the other people attending the convention were asking about getting prints of it or other paintings done for themselves as this one was to be auctioned off. Who knows, maybe I'll get some commissions from this one.
This is done in oil on a 20" x 20" gallery wrapped canvas. To contact me about a painting email me at or call me at 903-288-9216.
Sunday, July 19, 2009
Wow, here it is July 19th and I haven't painted anything new for days. My husband suffered a stroke on June 9th and was in the hospital for about four weeks. Fortunately it was a moderate stroke and only did a small amount of damage. It was very scarey for both of us at first. Jack had lost the strength in his right arm and had minor short term memory loss. Therapy helped him to be able to use his right arm and be able to eat by himself, and to get around using either a wheel chair or a walker. He also had surgery on the artery in the left side of his neck which was 95% blocked and was the cause of the stroke. He has been home for two weeks now and is receiving home health care which includes physical and occupational therapy as well as a nurse visiting a couple of time a week to check his vital signs. He is progressing, but this will take time for him to get anywhere near to what he was before the stroke.
I did get a couple of small paintings done while he was in the rehabilitation center at the hospital. Those were the last two paintings I posted here. But since he has been home I have not had a moment to myself to paint anything. As I get into a routine of caring for him I am sure that I will get a chance to start back painting. I have still been teaching Monday night class. It takes about a month and a half to produce a painting in class due to the step by step process I teach. Hopefully I will have a painting to post soon. Right now I am just worn out with my husbands care, but will back to normal soon.
I did get a couple of small paintings done while he was in the rehabilitation center at the hospital. Those were the last two paintings I posted here. But since he has been home I have not had a moment to myself to paint anything. As I get into a routine of caring for him I am sure that I will get a chance to start back painting. I have still been teaching Monday night class. It takes about a month and a half to produce a painting in class due to the step by step process I teach. Hopefully I will have a painting to post soon. Right now I am just worn out with my husbands care, but will back to normal soon.
Monday, June 29, 2009
3 via Delle Cascine, florence, Italy
3 Via Delle Cascine, Florence, Italy. This is the second painting I did for The Vi
rtual Paintout. I think I like it better than the first one. I will submit it also. I don't know if that is allowed, but I did see another artist that listed two paintings earlier in the month. There are some really nice paintings that have been entered. I hope that this challenge will help me improve my skills in painting buildings.
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Viale degli Olmi
Here is my first attempt for a new painting challenge I ran across that is called "The Virtual Paintout". At the first of each month a new city is listed from Google's Virtual map. Any artist that is interested can click on the map link that will take them to the vitual map of that particular challenge and use the little yellow man to walk the streets of the city to find what they would like to paint. The artists then have a month to finish and submit the paintings.
I found several places, printed them and chose two to paint. I will post this one today and try to finish the other one and post it either tonight or tommorrow (it is turning out to be the better of the two paintings). This one is a 5 3/4" x 4 1/2" oil on canvas and is for sale for $49.95. Email me at with "painting" in the subject line to purchase.
Tuesday, May 26, 2009
We found a picture in a magazine of this cowgirl done by Doreman Burns. My two students, being born and raised in Texas, just love anything along the Western lines. So naturally, being girls and all, they wanted to learn to paint this cowgirl. Doreman Burns does his paintings in watercolor and we work primarily in oil, so it will be interesting to see how our interpretations turn out. We are just at the underpainting stage right now. Mine is the first picture and Debbie's the second picture.
Gunfighter progress
Mine is on the right and Sharon's is on the left.
Monday, May 11, 2009
Gunfighter - Work In Progress
This is the beginning phase of a new private painting lesson for Sharon. It is an ambitious undertaking, but I feel that she is ready to learn the steps it takes for portraiture. I will be taking her through the old masters' techniques of under painting the flesh areas in grey tones (known as grasaille) first, then add skin tones in transparent veils of color. When that is accomplished we will work on the background, clothing, etc. This is just the first posting and I am sure it will take quite a while to complete as we only have three hours once a week when our schedules permit. It will be interesting to see the final outcome of this one. Sharon's painting is on the left and mine is the one on the right.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Companion to Diana
I have been following the "Differnt Stroke From Different Folks" which is a bi-weekly challenge for any artist who wants to participate. A subject photo is posted every other Wednesday and each artist can do their interpretation of it and email it to be posted. It was started by one of my favorite artist, Karen Jurick. She posted the first photo the week of September 3rd, 2008 and there were 55 participants for the first challenge. Of course the number of participants has grown since then. This is week 27-28 and I decided to take a few hours off from sculpting (I am very behind with a portrait commission) and try my hand at this. I do hope that my painting will be accepted. I would like to be able to participate again in the next challenges. Anyway, here is my little painting of Diana's Companion done in oil on a canvas pad.
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
Where has the time gone?
I did not realize that it has been over two months since I last posted a painting. I am so far behind with a couple of sculpture commissions that painting has had to take a back seat. And I am sorry to say that the sculptures are still not completed to my satisfaction as of yet. I hope to have one of them ready for approval within the next two days. As it is, all of the paintings I have been posting the past several months have been the progress of my painting students and not much of my own personal work. When I do get caught up on sculptures I will be spending time doing small paintings to help get me back into the groove again.
I also plan to participate in the "Different Strokes for Different Folks" painting challenge that Karen Jurick started several months ago. I have been following that blog from the very first painting everyone did from the first photo (which was of Karen's dog, Jack, who has passed on). I absolutely love seeing all of the different inturpretations that come about from the photo. There are still a few days before the deadline of the current challenge and I may steal a few hours and do a small painting to submit too. It just looks like so much fun to participate in. I will be entering as many of these challenges as I can when I do get my work load under control.
Anyway, here is a picture of one of my past paintings. I hope you enjoy seeing it.
Thursday, February 19, 2009
Wolf Progression
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
Bear Endings
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Bears Progressing
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
Polar Bear Under Painting
This week we started over painting the fur, but I didn't get pictures on Monday night, so I will take the pictures of that stage this Friday and try to post them this weekend.
I am so pleased with the way each panting is turning out. These two ladies have learned so much in the two years that they have been taking classes. I am very proud of them.
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Wolves in Progress
Sharon's Santa
Monday, January 5, 2009
Thursday, January 1, 2009
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